CSE 216: Database Sessional
- This project tries to recreate IMDb(Internet Movie Database) website on a smaller scale
- Built using Django Web Framework and Oracle Database 11g
CSE 408: Software Development Sessional
- An English learning platform aimed toward school-going children
- Teaches Grammar and Vocabulary through games and puzzles
- Built using React.js, Express, PostgreSQL
Location based Dynamic Advertisement System for public transits
CSE 316: Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, and Embedded Systems Sessional
- Built using ATMega32, GPS Module, WiFi Module, LCD Display
- Continuously reads GPS NMEA data, converts it into coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) and sends them to a remote server
- Servers holds info about all predesignated zones and associated advertisement queues
- Based on sent coordinates finds the zone the system is currently in and sends back corresponding set of advertisements
Implementation of RTT Estimatior using Adaptive Kalman Filtering in ns3
CSE 322: Computer Networks Sessional
- In ns3 a first-order low-pass filter rtt estimator is implemented.
- For better RTT estimation, implemented an adaptive filter based on kalman filtering with change detection proposed in this paper
Portal Combat
Gamejam 2023 hoseted by IEEE BUET
- A 2D Platformer game developed using Unity game engine
- The assets used were taken from Unity Free 2D Assets Package
- The player character has the ability to shoot, jump and create portals to clear multiple levels and an end boss