S. M. Zuhair Zaki


12/F West, Rajshahi University Campus

Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Hi, I am S. M. Zuhair Zaki. I graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) with a B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) in 2023. I am currently working as Software Security Engineer at OpenRefactory, Inc. As part of my duties, I also find and report vulnerabilities in open source projects supported by Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF):Project Alpha-Omega.

I used to participate in CTF competitions during my undergraduate. Me and my team fSociety achieved 3rd place in National CyberDrill 2022. I also co-founded the BUET Cyber Security Club.

Research Interests

My research interests lie in the broader field of Security and Privacy. Particularly, I am interested in researching and developing secure software, frameworks, protocols and cryptographic schemes to safeguard modern software systems, networks and emerging technologies.